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在所有人都愣神和尴尬的时候。
他的声音继续从麦克风里传了出来。
From
May
1,
2011,
uered
traditional
herbal
medicines
were
prohibited
from
being
sold
and
used
as
pharmaceuticals
in
the
Overseas
Alliance
market.
In
the
same
year,
the
Overseas
Alliance
Drug
Administration
issued
a
toxicity
warning
for
traditional
herbal
medicines
from
年5月1日未经注册的传统植物药将不得在海外联盟市场上作为药品销售和使用。同年海外联盟药品管理局发布大夏国传统植物药毒性警告。)
In
November
2013,
the
Overseas
Alliance
Drug
Administration
issued
a
ban
on
the
sale
of
traditional
herbal
medicines
from
Daxia.
(2013年11月,海外联盟药品管理局颁布了大夏国传统植物药禁售令。)
With
all
these
lessons
learned,
do
not
consider
it
a
wise
choice
to
i
time
and
resources
in
researching
traditional
medicine.(有了这么多前车之鉴,我不认为把精力和物力花费在传统医学的研究上是一个明智的选择。)”
约翰教授终于讲完了。
但他这最后一句话,攻击性已然拉满。
身经百战的姜教授也没有经历过这种情况。
此刻,他满脸尴尬的站在那里,不知道该说些什么。
其他两个点评专家也愣住了。
没想到这老外居然如此不给面子。
说的话,句句扎心。
虽然现场大部分都是从事现代医学的,甚至很多人都不懂传统医学。
但此时此刻,作为一个大夏人,很多人仍然感觉到脸上无光。
就在这时。
顾风站了起来。
不知道他什么时候搞来的话筒,清朗的声音顿时响遍全场。
“I
have
a
different
opinion
from
Professor
John
regarding
his
last
statement.
(我对约翰教授最后的一句话有不同的意见。)
The
reason
we
conduct
doubleblind
trials
is
precisely
to
avoid
generalizing
conclusions
based
on
isolated
is.
Clearly,
Professor
John
has
just
made
that
mistake.(我们之所以要做双盲试验,为的就是不从零星事件中去归纳普遍化结论。很显然,刚刚约翰教授就犯了这个错误。)
Seven
years
may
not
be
a
short
period
of
time,
but
in
the
long
history
of
traditional
medicine,
it
is
merely
a
drop
in
the
ocean.
Therefore,
we
cannot
use
the
failure
of
seven
years
to
prove
that
all
traditional
medicine
spanning
thousands
of
years
has
failed.(7年的时间不短,但在传统医学的时间长河里不过是沧海一粟。因此我们不能用7年的失败就证明几千年所有传统医学就都失败。)
Within
the
realm
of
traditional
medicine,
there
are
valuable
remnants
after
eliminating
the
extraneous.
Just
now,
Professor
Jiang\u0027s
acupuncture
research
has
given
me
hope
and
prospects.
(几千年的传统医学,去芜存菁后总有精华保留。刚刚姜教授的针刺研究让我看到了这样的希望和前景。)
Therefore,
am
now
planning
to
pursue
molecular
biology
research
to
elucidate
the
mechanisms
of
acupuncture
using
principles
of
modern
medicine.(所以我接下来准备做相关的分子生物学,用现代医学原理来阐述针刺疗法的作用机制。)
If
Professor
John
doesn\u0027t
mind,
propose
a
wager.
Within
one
year,
will
successfully
publish
my
research
in
a
prestigious
toptier
journal,
and
at
that
time,
hope
Professor
John
retracts
his
statement
from
today.
Of
course,
if
lose,
will
publicly
apologize
to
you.(如果约翰教授不介意的话,我们可以打个赌。1年内我会把研究成功发表在权威顶级期刊上,届时希望约翰教授公收回今天的话。当然,如果我输了,我会向您公开道歉。)”
顾风声音停顿,现场所有人浑身一震。
妙啊!
这年轻人口才了得,以子之矛攻子之盾。
并且勇气可嘉,当面提出挑战。
我大夏什么时候出了这么惊艳的年轻医生!喜欢医生:夭寿了,开局笔筒做胸穿!请大家收藏:
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